Another subject addressed in PBS’s “Making Cents out of Teens: Merchants of Cool” was how brands attracted teens to their products.  Brands compete to find and make the newest “cool” or trend.  A trend that brands can always trust is sex. PBS believes that teenagers are obsessed with everything having to do with sex.
     Big television companies rely on the appeal to attract and target teenagers. They tell women that they should be proud of being a sexual object, using cliques disguised as empowerment. In reality, they are making all girls look down upon themselves for girls as young as 13 can't walk out of the house without a full face of makeup and perfect hair.
     Brands think that we are obsessed with sex because we are teenagers, but the sexual appeal was something created by media, something that we have been weaned on since we hit double digits. The appeal hurts girls and boys who don't fit its stereotypes and creates unrealistic expectations for those who do, all while benefiting the multiple media companies who believe there is not much more a teenager cares about.
     I know that I don't care about this strange appeal and I know that many others don't as well.  It sickens me knowing that this is what brands and companies all of the media think of us.
